We speak with hope and act with courage.

We are parents and providers. Mothers, fathers, and guardians. Teachers, educators, and directors.


We envision a resilient, thriving early childcare system in the St. Louis region in which kids ages 0 to 5 can learn and grow in a joyful, high-quality early care and education environment, regardless of their race, family income level, or zip code.

“Our commitment to nurturing young minds during their most formative years is not just an investment in their future, but in the future of our entire region.”

—Tamyka Perine, Executive Director

Defining the Problem


The issues plaguing the early childhood system in St. Louis extend far beyond facilities.

Where We Come From


Our story is a shared story. We would not be here today without the efforts of others before us to understand, identify, and give voice to the social, emotional, and physical tolls of inequity in the early childhood care system.

We’re part of a greater movement for ECE equity that’s been going on in St. Louis since 2014. Here are some of the projects and people that have led us here:

“We care about children, parents, providers, and communities. We identify what providers need and want, and we do everything in our power to help build a high-quality early childhood system.”

—LaDonna Ellis, Director of Capacity Building Projects

Shaping the Solutions


Realism, hope, and taking action as a community will move us forward.


Every Black and Brown family deserves to have access and opportunities to affordable, high-quality early childhood care and education. No one should be able to predict the outcomes of a child’s life based on race, household income, or zip code.


Everything we do comes from a place of love. Love for our children and their families. Love for our peers and partners in the ECS. Love for our communities and our region.


We find a way. We don’t give up. We use the resources at our disposal, leave it all on the field, and come back tomorrow to keep fighting for our kids.


We acknowledge the harm that private interests and policies that support them have done in our community. We are committed to creating and maintaining an open dialogue by ensuring community members lead our work and as an organization, we communicate directly about our actions.


We rely on the community of families and providers to hold us accountable. We take responsibility for our actions, and we learn from them so that we can do better next time.


The best-laid plans don’t mean a thing if we don’t act upon them. We need to coordinate, plan, and strategize so that we can then take action to fulfill promises and achieve our goals.


These are the people who make it all possible.